Which country uses PayPal most?|The World Population Review tabulated that the has the most PayPal users with 278.10 million or 38.87%. This is followed by Germany, which has 137.70 million users, or 19.25%, and the United Kingdom with 56.20 million users, or 7.85%.United States
Which country tops the list when it comes to the usage of PayPal? According to the World Population Review, which nation boasts the largest number of PayPal users, accounting for a remarkable 38.87% of the total? Is it perhaps the country with 278.10 million PayPal users? Or could it be Germany, which comes in second with 137.70 million users and a share of 19.25%? Could the United Kingdom, with 56.20 million users and a 7.85% share, be a contender? Or is the answer the United States?